Year: 2014 | Month: June | Volume 3 | Issue 2

Sustainability of Jhum Cultivation as perceived by the Tribal People of Tripura

DOI:Coming soon...


Jhum/shifting cultivation is traditional land-use practice of North East region of India, is an ecologically and economically viable system of agriculture as long as population densities are low and Jhum cycles are long enough to maintain soil fertility. Population explosion resulted in reduction of Jhum cycle due to which, the resilience of ecosystem is interrupted and the quality of the land is
worsening day by day which is important to maintain the sustainability of Jhum. Hence an attempt has been made to know the perception of tribal people about the sustainability of Jhum cultivation. The study was conducted in Tripura and data was collected using pretested interview schedule. The result indicates that majority of the farmers perceived sustainability level of Jhum as medium followed by low and high. It is also revealed that number of family member involved in Jhum, area under Jhum, Jhum cycle and cosmopoliteness have direct correlation with sustainability level and contributed most for variation in sustainability level of Jhum. So these variables must be manipulated and farmers need to be supported by enterprises such as dairy, poultry, piggery, goatery etc. to improve their socioeconomic condition. This diversification can naturally promote sustainable Jhum by way recycling farm wastes.

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